Balboa Baby Sling Review and Giveaway

Bunny loves to be carried and I love to carry her! With my growing belly this is getting harder to do for long periods of time. The Balboa Baby Sling allows me to carry Bunny without growing weary. 



Balboa Baby Sling is a soft, one size, adjustable baby sling. Balboa Baby Sling currently comes in thirteen different patterns/colors. Balboa Baby Sling can be adjusted from size xsmall (18″ tail) to size xlarge (6″ tail). This is great for my growing pregnant and soon to be postpartum body.
Balboa Baby Sling has a very convenient front pocket. You can put your phone, a burp rag, baby’s pacifier or favorite and more in the pocket. Balboa Baby Sling shoulder area is padded, which makes for a comfortable ride for mommy or daddy. Balboa Baby Sling is machine washable, which is great! When baby spits up on the sling, you can easily wash it in your washing machine. Balboa Baby Sling fits babies from 8 pounds up to 35 pounds. Bunny is currently around 25 pounds and still fits perfectly.

You can wear your Balboa Baby Sling with your baby in four different positions. All of these are great for smaller babies. Since I do not currently have a tiny baby, I am using a three month old size baby doll to demonstrate the carries. Once my bun in the oven is here, I will definitely update you all as to how much I love using my Balboa Baby Sling with a newborn.
The first position is the cuddle style which allows you to cuddle baby close to you.

Please keep in mind I am using a doll. Your baby’s airway should be clear at all times. Do not let your baby smash its face against your body like the doll is doing here. Make sure to wrap the outer elastic trim around your baby’s back and neck for maximum support.

The second position is the cradle style which would be great for nursing on the go!


The third position is the front carry style which allows baby to see the world while being close to you. 

 Again, this is a doll and the head is not in the proper position. Please make sure your baby’s head is supported. Baby’s legs can be bent and crossed or or stretched out to one side.

The fourth position is the hip carry style which is what Bunny and I use. This style is the best for toddlers. 





Bunny loves to have the sling over her shoulders, up around her neck.
Balboa Baby has a video for each carry which shows you how to properly fit the sling to you and hold your baby safely.
Sometimes Bunny likes to walk, and sometimes she likes to be carried. Balboa Baby Sling is very portable and fits easily in a diaper bag. Balboa Baby Sling is not bulky unlike some other soft structured carries. Balboa Baby Sling is easy to put on and take off.
With my growing belly I can no longer use a soft structured carried like Ergo, Lillebaby, and Tula, ones that buckle around the waist. Balboa Baby Sling allows me to carry Bunny while pregnant. Wraps are great but take too much time and effort to get Bunny in and out of. Balboa Baby Sling is simple and easy to use. When Bunny wants to run around and play or walk, I can easily and quickly get her out of my Balboa Baby Sling. When Bunny wants to be held again, I can easily and quickly, and painlessly, put her back in my Balboa Baby Sling. I did not try a sling with Bunny when she was an infant, but I can see how using a sling with a smaller baby would be beneficial.

You can buy your Balboa Baby Sling online for $60. You can also enter for a chance to win one here!

You can view the giveaway here

MommyCon San Francisco!!

My Love, Bunny and I were so excited to attend the MommyCon in San Francisco! MommyCon is a convention dedicated to bringing mothers to be and modern parents together, along with brands and ideas that focus on the shared ideals. The focus is on natural parenting methods and timeless tidbits as we journey through parenthood together. 

MommyCon had many vendors and booths, they were very informative and helpful. There were car seat specialists, slings, wraps and soft structured carriers, all there to answer questions and help you find the best product to fit your needs. It was wonderful to see so many babywearing moms! Everywhere I looked there was a happy baby attached to a person! Moms and Dads alike! There were nursing moms everywhere, not using covers and NOBODY cared! There was a nursing room for those who wanted to use it. There were seminars about amber teething necklaces, breastfeeding support, baby wearing, cloth diapering, car seat safety and more! The environment was very warm and friendly. I wish I could attend a MommyCon every weekend! I was happy to see some brands I already knew about, and thrilled to see some new brands and products I had never seen or heard before! I am so excited to try some of the new products! Alanis Morissette spoke at MommyCon but I sadly wasn’t able to hear her. Bunny was tired, too tired to stay.

 Did you attend MommyCon? Did you hear Alanis Morissette speak? Leave a comment about your experience! 
Want to learn more about MommyCon- click here.